Q. 1

Which sentence mentions a leadership practice?

  • It is impossible to know what direction to take, and to know when you have reached your goals without a plan. You have to decide where you are now in your life, and where you want to be.
    This is what leaders do for their team; help them map out a plan for action. Leaders teach the team goal setting techniques, and how to develop a strategic plan for daily, weekly, monthly, and annual plans of action to help the team reach goals faster. You will reap the financial rewards, and see the profound effect you have that empowers those around you; when you are a leader who strives to help members be the best they can be. You will see your team blossom and shine, and become a true leader others will follow.

  • Answer

    You will reap the financial rewards, and see the profound effect you have that empowers those around you; when you are a leader who strives to help members be the best they can be.

  • Explanation

    The author begins the paragraph by saying what importance planning holds in our lives. He then explains how
    a leader helps his team to plan and achieve its goals. The writer says that a leader has to empower those around
    him. The leadership practice mentioned is that of helping team members be the best that they can be. The author
    says that you as a leader will reap financial rewards when you strive to make the members of the team be their
    best and empower themselves. This is mentioned in the fifth sentence and we understand a leadership practice
    from this sentence.

Q. 2

In which sentence are the prerequisites of planning mentioned?

  • It is impossible to know what direction to take, and to know when you have reached your goals without a plan. You have to decide where you are now in your life, and where you want to be.
    This is what leaders do for their team; help them map out a plan for action. Leaders teach the team goal setting techniques, and how to develop a strategic plan for daily, weekly, monthly, and annual plans of action to help the team reach goals faster. You will reap the financial rewards, and see the profound effect you have that empowers those around you; when you are a leader who strives to help members be the best they can be. You will see your team blossom and shine, and become a true leader others will follow.

  • Answer

    You have to decide where you are now in your life, and where you want to be.

  • Explanation

    In the first sentence the author says that it is not possible to know how to fulfill your goals and whether
    you have reached your goals or not, without a plan in place. In the second sentence, he mentions what the essentials
    of planning are. He says that one has to know where he is in life and where he has to go. These are the prerequisites
    of planning and the correct sentence is the second sentence.

Q. 3

From which sentence can we infer the ultimate aim of the addressee of the paragraph?

  • It is impossible to know what direction to take, and to know when you have reached your goals without a plan.
    You have to decide where you are now in your life, and where you want to be.
    This is what leaders do for their team; help them map out a plan for action. Leaders teach the team goal setting techniques, and how to develop a strategic plan for daily, weekly, monthly, and annual plans of action to help the team reach goals faster. You will reap the financial rewards, and see the profound effect you have that empowers those around you; when you are a leader who strives to help members be the best they can be. You will see your team blossom and shine, and become a true leader others will follow.

  • Answer

    You will see your team blossom and shine, and become a true leader others will follow.

  • Explanation

    The given paragraph throws light on some aspects that can help a person become an effective leader. The addressee
    of the paragraph is obviously someone who wants to learn leadership techniques. The ultimate aim of such a
    reader would be to become a true leader who inspires his team and whom others follow. This is mentioned in
    the last sentence of the paragraph.


From where is it clear that the suggestion is for women?

  • Try and give yourself some “me” time once a week. Once a week may not seem like much, but if you really allow yourself to soak it in and enjoy the time spent, it will make the stress of all of the rest of the hectic days melt away. You will feel much more productive the rest of the weekend allowing yourself this little “refresher”. For this special time, you can book a massage or a facial at your favorite spa, go window-shopping, take in a matinee with a couple of girlfriends. Even if your budget doesnt allow for these activities once a week, you can lock yourself in the bathroom with a good book or take a bubble bath and a nice glass of wine and feel good about your time alone – you deserve some!

  • Answer

    For this special time, you can book a massage or a facial at your favorite spa, go window-shopping, take in a matinee with a couple of girlfriends.

  • Explanation

    The author is suggesting women to take out some time for themselves every weekend. He says that this ???me??? time
    is important for refreshing yourself. We understand that the suggestion is for women from the fourth sentence.
    In this sentence, the author suggests activities that are commonly undertaken by women and hence we conclude
    that the correct sentence is the fourth one.

Q. 5

Which sentence highlights how much importance the author gives to the suggestion?

  • Try and give yourself some “me” time once a week. Once a week may not seem like much, but if you really allow yourself to soak it in and enjoy the time spent, it will make the stress of all of the rest of the hectic days melt away. You will feel much more productive the rest of the weekend allowing yourself this little “refresher”. For this special time, you can book a massage or a facial at your favorite spa, go window-shopping, take in a matinee with a couple of girlfriends. Even if your budget doesnt allow for these activities once a week, you can lock yourself in the bathroom with a good book or take a bubble bath and a nice glass of wine and feel good about your time alone – you deserve some!

  • Answer

    Even if your budget doesnt allow for these activities once a week, you can lock yourself in the bathroom with a good book or take a bubble bath and a nice glass of wine and feel good about your time alone – you deserve some!

  • Explanation

    Throughout the text, the author gives emphasis to the suggestion from different angles. He explains why a break
    is important and how one should indulge oneself every week. The importance that the author gives to the suggestion
    is clear from the last sentence. He is convinced that a break is important for every woman, irrespective of
    her economic condition. He says that if you cannot afford an outing every weekend, you can device cheaper methods
    of relaxing. He says that every woman deserves the break and hence the last sentence shows the importance that
    the author gives to the suggestion.

Q. 6

In which sentence is it explained why ???me??? time is important?

  • Try and give yourself some “me” time once a week. Once a week may not seem like much, but if you really allow yourself to soak it in and enjoy the time spent, it will make the stress of all of the rest of the hectic days melt away. You will feel much more productive the rest of the weekend allowing yourself this little “refresher”. For this special time, you can book a massage or a facial at your favorite spa, go window-shopping, take in a matinee with a couple of girlfriends. Even if your budget doesnt allow for these activities once a week, you can lock yourself in the bathroom with a good book or take a bubble bath and a nice glass of wine and feel good about your time alone – you deserve some!

  • Answer

    Once a week may not seem like much, but if you really allow yourself to soak it in and enjoy the time spent, it will make the stress of all of the rest of the hectic days melt away

  • Explanation

    The author says that this ???me??? time is important because it takes away all the stress of the hectic week. He
    says this in the second sentence. The author also says that it will make you feel more productive for the weekend
    but that is a consequence of distressing. If you make some time for yourself, you shall distress, which will
    in turn make you more productive. The correct sentence is the second sentence.

Q. 7

Which sentence exhibits the talent of keynote speakers?

  • Keynote speakers are there to help you to understand various things about life. They help you to succeed and they know how to spur you on. Sometimes in life we all need a little shove in the right direction and a keynote speaker knows that. They have the knowledge and the right words to help us realize our potential. So could you benefit from hiring a keynote speaker?

  • Answer

    They have the knowledge and the right words to help us realize our potential.

  • Explanation

    The author says that keynote speakers are there to help us and brings forward their talent that we can use in
    life. There are two key talents that the author mentions about keynote speakers. He says that they are knowledgeable
    and they can communicate with words in such a manner that we get encouraged to realize our potential. These
    qualities of keynote speakers set them apart and are mentioned in the fourth sentence.

Q. 8

In which sentence is the reason for the success of keynote speakers mentioned?

  • Keynote speakers are there to help you to understand various things about life. They help you to succeed and they know how to spur you on. Sometimes in life we all need a little shove in the right direction and a keynote speaker knows that. They have the knowledge and the right words to help us realize our potential. So could you benefit from hiring a keynote speaker?

  • Answer

    They help you to succeed and they know how to spur you on.

  • Explanation

    The author says that keynote speakers help us understand various things in life. The reason for their success
    is that they help us achieve something. We do not appreciate a keynote speaker till we gain from his speeches.
    The reason for their success is that ???they help you to succeed and they know how to spur you on???. This is mentioned
    in the second sentence.

Q. 9

In which sentence does the author mention our psychological requirement that the keynote speakers exploit?

  • Keynote speakers are there to help you to understand various things about life. They help you to succeed and they know how to spur you on. Sometimes in life we all need a little shove in the right direction and a keynote speaker knows that. They have the knowledge and the right words to help us realize our potential. So could you benefit from hiring a keynote speaker?

  • Answer

    Sometimes in life we all need a little shove in the right direction and a keynote speaker knows that.

  • Explanation

    The author mentions our psychological requirement in the third sentence. He says that there are times in our
    lives when we need a little shove in the right direction. This is what the keynote speaker knows and he has
    the talent to do the needful for us to realize our potential. He exploits our psychological need of a push
    in the right direction from time to time. This is mentioned in the third sentence.

Q. 10

Which sentence gives the consequences?

  • But the truth is, anger is not a problem but the mismanagement of anger.
    Mismanaged anger and rage cause us to face conflicts and difficulties in our personal and professional relationships.
    Thus, we must know anger management techniques in order to cope better with it. Anger management techniques are simple to apply but we must first recognize the anger within our mind and acknowledge that it is harmful to both others and ourselves. The idea of being tolerant and patient is central in anger management techniques because it is when we lose our tolerance and patience that we begin to feel angry.

  • Answer

    Mismanaged anger and rage cause us to face conflicts and difficulties in our personal and professional relationships

  • Explanation

    The consequences of mismanaged anger are the only consequences discussed in the paragraph and so we consider
    those are being questioned. The second sentence of the paragraph mentions the consequences of mismanaged anger.
    The author says that it causes us to ???face conflicts and difficulties in our personal and professional relationships???.
    These are the consequences and they are mentioned in the second sentence.

Q. 11

In which sentence is introspection promoted?

  • But the truth is, anger is not a problem but the mismanagement of anger.
    Mismanaged anger and rage cause us to face conflicts and difficulties in our personal and professional relationships.
    Thus, we must know anger management techniques in order to cope better with it. Anger management techniques are simple to apply but we must first recognize the anger within our mind and acknowledge that it is harmful to both others and ourselves. The idea of being tolerant and patient is central in anger management techniques because it is when we lose our tolerance and patience that we begin to feel angry.

  • Answer

    Anger management techniques are simple to apply but we must first recognize the anger within our mind and acknowledge that it is harmful to both others and ourselves.

  • Explanation

    The writer of the paragraph is concentrating on anger management. He says that knowledge of anger management
    techniques help us cope better with different situations. In the fourth sentence, the author says that the
    techniques are simple to apply but the initial step in introspection. He says that we need to ???recognize the
    anger within our mind and acknowledge??? the harm that it causes to others and us. Thus, it is the fourth sentence
    in which introspection is promoted.

Q. 12

From which sentence do we know that people misjudge the issue?

  • But the truth is, anger is not a problem but the mismanagement of anger.
    Mismanaged anger and rage cause us to face conflicts and difficulties in our personal and professional relationships.
    Thus, we must know anger management techniques in order to cope better with it. Anger management techniques are simple to apply but we must first recognize the anger within our mind and acknowledge that it is harmful to both others and ourselves. The idea of being tolerant and patient is central in anger management techniques because it is when we lose our tolerance and patience that we begin to feel angry.

  • Answer

    But the truth is, anger is not a problem but the mismanagement of anger.

  • Explanation

    In the opening of the paragraph, the author insists that it is not anger itself but the mismanagement of anger
    that creates the problem. He uses the words ???but the truth is???, which makes the answer obvious to us. People
    misjudge the issue and tend to think that the real problem is anger; however, it is anger mismanagement that
    causes problems.

Q. 13

Which sentence hints at the misunderstanding that people have about dyslexia?

  • Adult dyslexia is a condition, not a life-threatening illness. It is time to put things in perspective because it becomes more crippling when its not dealt with truthfully. This isnt a handicap of the intellect, even if you may have challenges in spelling and reading. Its a condition of the neuroses that have to be properly diagnosed to get the necessary help at school or at work. If you have dyslexia, you can help yourself by changing the way you perceive the disorder in terms of your personal life, job, and dreams. Being aware of the condition from an informed standpoint renders it simpler for you to get help.

  • Answer

    Adult dyslexia is a condition, not a life-threatening illness.

  • Explanation

    Through this paragraph, the author is trying to make us understand how adult dyslexia should be dealt with.
    He says that it is a condition, not a life-threatening illness. From this statement we understand what people
    think about dyslexia. They assume that it is an illness that can get worse with time and ultimately threaten
    life. The author says that it is a condition that one can deal with. The correct sentence is the first sentence.

Q. 14

Which sentence mentions that incomplete information makes the situation difficult?

  • Adult dyslexia is a condition, not a life-threatening illness. It is time to put things in perspective because it becomes more crippling when its not dealt with truthfully. This isnt a handicap of the intellect, even if you may have challenges in spelling and reading. Its a condition of the neuroses that have to be properly diagnosed to get the necessary help at school or at work. If you have dyslexia, you can help yourself by changing the way you perceive the disorder in terms of your personal life, job, and dreams. Being aware of the condition from an informed standpoint renders it simpler for you to get help.

  • Answer

    It is time to put things in perspective because it becomes more crippling when its not dealt with truthfully.

  • Explanation

    The author opens the paragraph by explaining what adult dyslexia is. He says that it is not an illness but a
    condition. He further says that if things are not dealt with truthfully, it becomes more difficult to deal
    with the condition. This is mentioned in the second sentence. People do not have the correct perspective and
    hence they do not deal with it truthfully. This amounts to saying that incomplete information makes the situation
    difficult. Hence, the correct sentence is the second sentence.

Q. 15

From which sentence do we understand that simply being aware of the condition is not enough?

  • Adult dyslexia is a condition, not a life-threatening illness. It is time to put things in perspective because it becomes more crippling when its not dealt with truthfully. This isnt a handicap of the intellect, even if you may have challenges in spelling and reading. Its a condition of the neuroses that have to be properly diagnosed to get the necessary help at school or at work. If you have dyslexia, you can help yourself by changing the way you perceive the disorder in terms of your personal life, job, and dreams. Being aware of the condition from an informed standpoint renders it simpler for you to get help.

  • Answer

    Being aware of the condition from an informed standpoint renders it simpler for you to get help.

  • Explanation

    In the last sentence, the author says that being aware of the situation from an informed standpoint makes the
    situation better. This implies that being aware of the condition is not enough. One needs to have an informed
    standpoint in order to deal with the condition better. One needs knowledge about the details and about how
    to handle the disorder. The correct sentence is thus the sixth sentence.

Score: 0/10


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