Q. 1
Which sentence brings out the quality of antiques?
As their name suggests, rare collectibles are scarce, hard to find items.
They can be antiques that are desirable because of their age, type of craftsmanship or some other unique feature
that represents the past. Some rare collectibles are so old that they are considered to be antiquities – artifacts of an ancient civilization such as ancient Greek or ancient Chinese society. Alternatively, rare collectibles can be of very recent origin, sometimes being only a few years old. The common denominator of all rare collectibles, no matter what their type or age, is rarity. Frequently, because of their scarcity and their appeal, rare collectibles are also valuable. But, whether they
are valuable or inexpensive, rare collectibles are always important pieces in a collection -
They can be antiques that are desirable because of their age, type of craftsmanship or some other unique feature that represents the past.
The author is primarily discussing rare collectibles. He says that some rare items can be antiques while others
need not be so. The sentence that brings out the quality of antiques is the second sentence. The author says
that antiques ‘are desirable because of their age, craftsmanship or some unique feature that represents the
past’. These are the qualities of antiques. Though the third sentence also talks about antiques, it is not
a suitable answer option.
Q. 2
Which sentence characterizes rare collectibles?
As their name suggests, rare collectibles are scarce, hard to find items. They
can be antiques that are desirable because of their age, type of craftsmanship or some other unique feature
that represents the past. Some rare collectibles are so old that they are considered to be antiquities – artifacts of an ancient civilization such as ancient Greek or ancient Chinese society. Alternatively, rare collectibles can be of very recent origin, sometimes being only a few years old. The common denominator of all rare collectibles, no matter what their type or age, is rarity. Frequently, because of their scarcity and their appeal, rare collectibles are also valuable. But, whether they are valuable or inexpensive, rare collectibles are always important pieces in a collection. -
As their name suggests, rare collectibles are scarce, hard to find items.
The complete text is about rare collectibles and their characteristics. The author discusses their rarity, uniqueness
and value. He concludes by saying that a rare item is important and valuable because of its rarity and it is
important in a collection. This is the defining characteristic of a rare collectible. The sentence that best
characterizes rare collectibles is hence the first sentence. It says that rare collectibles are scarce, hard
to find items and this is the gist of the text.
Q. 3
In which sentence does the author assert that one cannot put a price on distinctiveness?
As their name suggests, rare collectibles are scarce, hard to find items. They can be antiques that are desirable
because of their age, type of craftsmanship or some other unique feature that represents the past. Some rare collectibles are so old that they are considered to be antiquities – artifacts of an ancient civilization such as ancient Greek or ancient Chinese society. Alternatively, rare collectibles can be of very recent origin, sometimes being only a few years old. The common denominator of all rare collectibles, no matter what their type or age, is rarity. Frequently, because of their scarcity and their appeal, rare collectibles are also valuable. But, whether they are valuable or inexpensive, rare collectibles are always important pieces in a collection. -
But, whether they are valuable or inexpensive, rare collectibles are always important pieces in a collection.
It is only in the last two sentences that the author discusses the price or value of a rare collectible. He
says that frequently rare collectibles are valuable because of their scarcity. In the last sentence he asserts
that whether they are valuable or inexpensive, a rare collectible is important nonetheless. This amounts to
saying that one cannot put a price on distinctiveness. The correct sentence is the last sentence.
In which sentence does the author show that your ineptitude can be damaging?
If you are not clear what the purpose of your message is you might try desperately to get points across that you are not even clear on yourself. To avoid that make sure you can state your message in one short clear sentence before you prepare your letter or presentation and work towards keeping that message clear. Sometimes we want to get a point across and instead of using different examples we just hammer the point across, again and again until we believe the reader must have gotten the message. Doing this makes your message lifeless and boring to read. Using real life examples to illustrate your point will be much more efficient and more fun too.
If you are not clear what the purpose of your message is you might try desperately to get points across that you are not even clear on yourself.
The given paragraph is about effective writing that s a result of clear thought. The author says that if you
are not clear about the purpose of your message you shall make desperate attempts to put your point across.
This is how your ineptitude can be damaging and it is explained in the first sentence.
Q. 5
From which sentence do we understand the trick of writing effectively?
If you are not clear what the purpose of your message is you might try desperately to get points across that you are not even clear on yourself. To avoid that make sure you can state your message in one short clear sentence before you prepare your letter or presentation and work towards keeping that message clear. Sometimes we want to get a point across and instead of using different examples we just hammer the point across, again and again until we believe the reader must have gotten the message. Doing this makes your message lifeless and boring to read. Using real life examples to illustrate your point will be much more efficient and more fun too.
To avoid that make sure you can state your message in one short clear sentence before you prepare your letter or presentation and work towards keeping that message clear.
The author gives some tips on effective writing. The most important point that he makes is that of understanding
what your purpose of writing is. He says that you should write your message in a clear short sentence and build
your letter or presentation around that idea. This is the trick of effective writing and it is mentioned in
the second sentence.
Q. 6
Which sentence explains why variety is important?
If you are not clear what the purpose of your message is you might try desperately to get points across that you are not even clear on yourself. To avoid that make sure you can state your message in one short clear sentence before you prepare your letter or presentation and work towards keeping that message clear. Sometimes we want to get a point across and instead of using different examples we just hammer the point across, again and again until we believe the reader must have gotten the message. Doing this makes your message lifeless and boring to read. Using real life examples to illustrate your point will be much more efficient and more fun too.
Doing this makes your message lifeless and boring to read.
The given paragraph contains a few tips of writing effectively. The author says that when we do not use a variety
of examples and try to hammer our point across, our writing becomes ‘lifeless and boring to read’. This is
the reason why variety is important. This is mentioned in the fourth sentence.
Q. 7
In which sentence is it explicitly stated that helmets were used during tournaments?
Heraldic coats-of-arms and family crests originated in Europes early Middle Ages, and they came into popular use during the feudal period. Medieval knights used their crests and coats-of-arms to quickly and easily identify themselves to friends and foes during tournaments and battles. For example, a knights shield and helmet were usually painted with colorful, vivid design elements from his coat-of-arms, oftentimes the family crest. Other than reigning Queens, women were generally not entitled to bear or use family crests, and neither were members of the clergy. These exclusions arose because women and clergymen did not fight in battle or participate in medieval tournaments, and accordingly they would not have had a helmet on which to display a family crest. Because the stylized representations which we now think of as being family crests originated as displays on
top of actual armored helmets, there was no mechanism to ever create a family crest for a woman or clergyman. -
These exclusions arose because women and clergymen did not fight in battle or participate in medieval tournaments, and accordingly they would not have had a helmet on which to display a family crest.
Though we understand from the very beginning of the text that coat-of-arms were used during tournaments. However,
it is in the fifth sentence that it is explicitly mentioned that since women did not participate in tournaments,
they did not have helmets. This directly implies that helmets were used in tournaments.
Q. 8
Which sentence mentions the original purpose of stylized crests?
Heraldic coats-of-arms and family crests originated in Europes early Middle Ages, and they came into popular use during the feudal period. Medieval knights used their crests and coats-of-arms to quickly and easily identify themselves to friends and foes during tournaments and battles. For example, a knights shield and helmet were usually painted with colorful, vivid design elements from his coat-of-arms, oftentimes the family crest. Other than reigning Queens, women were generally not entitled to bear or use family crests, and neither were members of the clergy. These exclusions arose because women and clergymen did not fight in battle or participate in medieval tournaments, and accordingly they would not have had a helmet on which to display a family crest. Because the stylized representations which we now think of as being family crests originated as displays on
top of actual armored helmets, there was no mechanism to ever create a family crest for a woman or clergyman. -
Medieval knights used their crests and coats-of-arms to quickly and easily identify themselves to friends and foes during tournaments and battles.
In the second sentence, it is clearly mentioned that medieval knights used crests for quick and easy identification
during battles and tournaments. This is the original purpose of stylized crests. Initially the crests were
painted with vivid designs and later they developed into family crests.
Q. 9
A bias did not exist about the family crests but it was inevitable. In which sentence is the rationale behind
this conveyed?
Heraldic coats-of-arms and family crests originated in Europes early Middle Ages, and they came into popular
use during the feudal period. Medieval knights used their crests and coats-of-arms to quickly and easily identify themselves to friends and foes during tournaments and battles. For example, a knights shield and helmet were usually painted with colorful, vivid design elements from his coat-of-arms, oftentimes the family crest. Other than reigning Queens, women were generally not entitled to bear or use family crests, and neither were members of the clergy. These exclusions arose because women and clergymen did not fight in battle or participate in medieval tournaments, and accordingly they would not have had a helmet on which to display a family crest. Because the stylized representations which we now think of as being family crests originated as displays on top of actual armored helmets, there was no mechanism to ever create a family crest for a woman or clergyman. -
Because the stylized representations which we now think of as being family crests originated as displays on top of actual armored helmets, there was no mechanism to ever create a family crest for a woman or clergyman.
The author explains that women and clergymen were not meant to participate in tournaments and battles; they
did not have the required headgear. Since they did not wear helmets, they did not have a family crest. Thus,
a bias was not intended but it eventually came up. The sentence in question is the sixth sentence.
Q. 10
From which sentence do we infer that by and by we learn how to cope with pain?
There are varying degrees of pain we often feel in response to situations inflicted upon us by other people. Some levels of pain are small, and we have the ability to let the situation roll off our back, letting us carry on in life as if nothing happened. For some, there are situations where the wound is so deep, we find ourselves crippled by it, not knowing how to get out from under the pain and the hurt that results. It’s in the midst of surrounding, choking pain that many people bog down in not knowing what to do, or how to cope. Through the course of my own painful experiences, I have learned and identified key factors that help us deal with life’s pain. Other peoples list may include additional points or comments, but I believe there are a handful of steps we
must all take in dealing with lifes hurts. -
Through the course of my own painful experiences, I have learned and identified key factors that help us deal with life’s pain.
The author explains how different situations are painful for some and not as painful for others. Towards the
end of the paragraph, he says that there are some basic ways that we all can adopt to deal with pain. It is
from the fifth sentence that we infer that by and by we can learn how to cope with pain. The author says in
this sentence that he has learnt and identified key factors that help us deal with life’s pain. From this sentence,
we can make the required inference.
Q. 11
Which sentence suggests that pain is seldom self-inflicted?
There are varying degrees of pain we often feel in response to situations inflicted upon us by other people. Some levels of pain are small, and we have the ability to let the situation roll off our back, letting us carry on in life as if nothing happened. For some, there are situations where the wound is so deep, we find ourselves crippled by it, not knowing how to get out from under the pain and the hurt that results. It’s in the midst of surrounding, choking pain that many people bog down in not knowing what to do, or how to cope. Through the course of my own painful experiences, I have learned and identified key factors that help us deal with life’s pain. Other peoples list may include additional points or comments, but I believe there are a handful of steps we
must all take in dealing with lifes hurts. -
There are varying degrees of pain we often feel in response to situations inflicted upon us by other people.
The author opens the paragraph by saying that there are different levels of pain that we feel due to situations
inflicted upon us by other people. This indirectly implies that we seldom inflict pain on ourselves. Hence,
pain is seldom self-inflicted and it is clear from the first sentence.
Q. 12
According to the Author can the steps for dealing pain can be common?
There are varying degrees of pain we often feel in response to situations inflicted upon us by other people.
Some levels of pain are small, and we have the ability to let the situation roll off our back, letting us carry on in life as if nothing happened. For some, there are situations where the wound is so deep, we find ourselves crippled by it, not knowing how to get out from under the pain and the hurt that results. It’s in the midst of surrounding, choking pain that many people bog down in not knowing what to do, or how to cope.
Through the course of my own painful experiences, I have learned and identified key factors that help us deal
with life’s pain. Other peoples list may include additional points or comments, but I believe there are a handful of steps we must all take in dealing with lifes hurts. -
Other peoples list may include additional points or comments, but I believe there are a handful of steps we must all take in dealing with lifes hurts.
The author says that through our experiences in life, we device our own way of dealing with pain. He says that
there are some basic factors that help us deal with pain. These factors can vary a little from person to person
but they remain the same more or less. This means that the basic remedy to pain can be universal and it is
mentioned in the last sentence.
Q. 13
The preference for silk beddings has a scientific reason. From which sentence do we know this?
Silk bedding has seen a huge increase in both trade and expansion of products recently. The silk-filled duvet market in particular has grown tenfold from five years ago. Take a look at silksleep (dot) com who have been trading for several years now exclusively selling silk bedding
products. Silk as a bedding product is both natural and healthier than using a synthetic product. Silk bedding by nature is inhospitable to bed bugs as the natural protein in silk repels the bugs and mites, making for a healthier sleeping environment. Some silk duvets are layered using mulberry silk, working enough silk together in a grid pattern to be able to be stitched into a duvet. This layering effect has a beneficial result as the silk allows our body heat to regulate itself, which in
turn gives a better more relaxed night’s sleep. -
Silk bedding by nature is inhospitable to bed bugs as the natural protein in silk repels the bugs and mites, making for a healthier sleeping environment.
The given text explains how the preference for silk beddings has increased over the years. The author also explains
why some silk beddings and duvets are preferred over other materials. He says that silk is inhospitable to
bed bugs and thus makes a healthier sleeping environment. This is the scientific backing referred to in the
question and it is mentioned in the fifth
Q. 14
From which sentence do we know that the author has backing for the statistics that he gives?
Silk bedding has seen a huge increase in both trade and expansion of products recently. The silk-filled duvet market in particular has grown tenfold from five years ago. Take a look at silksleep (dot) com who have been trading for several years now exclusively selling silk bedding products. Silk as a bedding product is both natural and healthier than using a synthetic product. Silk bedding by nature is inhospitable to bed bugs as the natural protein in silk repels the bugs and mites, making for a healthier sleeping environment. Some silk duvets are layered using mulberry silk, working enough silk together in a grid pattern to be able
to be stitched into a duvet. This layering effect has a beneficial result as the silk allows our body heat
to regulate itself, which in turn gives a better more relaxed night’s sleep. -
Take a look at silksleep (dot) com who have been trading for several years now exclusively selling silk bedding products.
The author gives some statistics in the second sentence. He says that the silk duvet market has increased tenfold
in the past five years. He then says that silksleep.com can help us understand what the trends are since it
has been trading in silk bedding products for several years. This shows that the author’s claims are well researched
and hence the answer is the third sentence.
Q. 15
Which sentence explains why some variants are better?
Silk bedding has seen a huge increase in both trade and expansion of products recently. The silk-filled duvet
market in particular has grown tenfold from five years ago. Take a look at silksleep (dot) com who have been trading for several years now exclusively selling silk bedding products. Silk as a bedding product is both natural and healthier than using a synthetic product. Silk bedding by nature is inhospitable to bed bugs as the natural protein in silk repels the bugs and mites, making for a healthier sleeping environment. Some silk duvets are layered using mulberry silk, working enough silk together in a grid pattern to be able to be stitched into a duvet. This layering effect has a beneficial result as the silk allows our body heat to regulate itself, which in turn gives a better more relaxed night sleep. -
This layering effect has a beneficial result as the silk allows our body heat to regulate itself, which in turn gives a better more relaxed night sleep.
Towards the end of the paragraph, the author says that some silk duvets are layered using mulberry silk. This
layering allows our body’s heat to regulate itself and this results in better sleep. This is the reason why
some variants of silk duvets are better. The correct sentence is the seventh sentence.
Score: 0/10
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